
Sunday, October 12, 2008

When do WE get to riot

An interesting monologue from Rush Limbaugh.  Love him or hate him, he is VERY entertaining to listen to and is incredibly talented.  I think he brings up a good point here.  I can't include myself in the "we" that he talks about because I'm not rich, but I certainly can understand where he is coming from.  You can see the entire monologue at

RUSH: We always hear about riots.  We're going to have riots if that happens, going to have riots if that happens.  Who are the people rioting?  Who are the people protesting?  Well, when you look at who they are the vast majority of them are supported by those of us who play by the rules, we go to work every day, and we pay our taxes.  What do they have to riot about?  When do we get to riot?  Look at what we've had to pay for.  We've had to pay for the second New Deal.  The Great Society, LBJ comes along with the war on poverty, the Great Society.  Now we're learning that we had to pay for a totally corrupt mortgage housing scandal in which Obama and ACORN are deeply embedded.  

We have people who were given loans who had no way of paying them back, they weren't even asked to state their income.  And when we hear about all those foreclosures, people losing their homes, and we think, “Oh, my gosh, our fellow citizens are being thrown out.”  No!  It's the people who shoulda never been given the loans in the first place.  It's the people who weren't paying them in the first place.  It was people who were put into these homes when they had no business being put in these homes.  It's not a brief against them.  But this was a scheme and it was a tactic employed by the Democrat Party exclusively to create a never-ending and growing percentage of our population that was totally dependent and owed everything to the Democrat Party.  Now their candidate and their guy, James Carville, “Going to be very traumatic out there, very, very traumatic.”  We know what he means.  

When do we riot?  When do we stand up and say, “We have paid for all of this; we have played by the rules, and now you come to us and you tell us that the whole reason this happened is because we are unfair and we are too advantaged and we are too lucky, that it's not right that not everybody can win life's lottery?”  I'm not suggesting riots, don't misunderstand, folks, I'm just suggesting here that the people who are going to riot are the people who ought to be getting down and thanking every damn one of us, because the New Deal number two -- and, by the way, I think we're in the midst of the New Deal number three here.  And why do we need a New Deal number two if the New Deal number one didn't work?  The New Deal number one did not work.  

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