
Monday, October 13, 2008

New Blog

I started a new blog called Venga Franco.  This means "come on, Franco" in Spanish.  For those of you who want to read commentary in Spanish, I will try to translate my English posts as well as write some original work in Spanish.    This is mostly for my own benefit and practice, but for those of you who want practice reading badly written Spanish, feel free to peruse.  The link is

The Dow was up almost 1000 points today.  What an incredible time to be interested in all things economics.  My advice is to buy yourself some gold if it gets into the low 800s or even dips into the 700s range.  We are going to have a serious inflation problem in about 5 years or so.


Anonymous said...

???buy gold??? You have been listening to too much Rush Limbaugh. You drank the kool-aid and now you even think he reps the products during his show because he thinks they are good ideas (its not like they don't pay a "very" steep price for the right advertise on his show)

Joe said...

well, the bottom, right hand side of his website talks about how to advertise... it is entitled "obscene profit center"

You really should listen to him.. he´s absolutely hilarious, but he despises Ron Paul