
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

From the Economist

Smarter regulators and better rules would help.  But sadly, as the crisis has brutally shown, regulators are fallible.  In time, financiers tend to gain the advantage over their overseers.  They are better paid, better qualified and more influential than t he regulators.  Legislators are easily seduced by booms and lobbies.  Voters are ignorant of and bored by regulation.  The more a financial system depends on the wisdom of regulators, the more likely it is to fail catastrophically.

Thank you!  Yeah, the free market isn't prefect but for goodness sake, please do not let regulators rule the day.  What a waste!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Monday, May 4, 2009

Hey Carl

Carl!!!  I moved back to Windows and I'm using INTERNET EXPLORER AS MY PRIMARY BROWSER (folks, it's much faster than firefix or anything else I've used)

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Yesterday, I fixed a friend's computer whose windows system got completely messed up because of a botched stick of ram.
He was using a netbook without a cd-rom drive, so his installation cd was not useful.  However, the installation CD contained all the information I needed to restore the computer.
So, I created a bootable WinPE system on my USB flash drive, and modified one of the boot files to boot directly to norton ghost (a hard drive re-imaging program).  However, I still could not get the factory hard drive image file onto his computer since that was still on a cd.  The image was 2.1GB.  My flash drive was 1GB, and my SD card was 2GB, so those won't work.  What do I do now?  Not to panic, I deleted a bunch of music off my IPOD, and copied the image there using my laptop cd drive.  Then, back on my friend's computer I booted off the modified WinPE from my flash drive and went into Norton Ghost.  Norton recognized my iPOD as a hard drive with data on it, so I was able to re-image the hard disk by pulling the ghost image file real-time from my iPOD and on to the netbook's hard drive.  The whole thing worked like music.  It was beautiful.
I rule.