
Monday, January 18, 2010

MLK Day. Horray!

Interesting take by an Econ professor of mine.

Even if your ends are good, using the Federal Government as a means to achieve them is not a good thing.... and.... you are less likely to have long term success.

Anyway - read the article.


Anonymous said...

I think that Dr. Murphy might be ignoring the Birmingham Bus Boycott.

Joe said...

My guess is that Dr. Murphy would agree that MLK had the right idea in the instances where MLK fought using tools other than the Federal Government. Social disobedience is one good example.

elizabeth said...

As much as I love our country, I'm less and less convinced that the federal government can really do much to solve our social problems. It's the individual who must make the change for himself. I see the same thing in school. No matter how great of a lesson I present, if the kids don't want to learn, they won't. But when a kid wants to learn and takes responsibility for his own learning, there's no stopping him. The individuals in this country who make changes in their own personal lives are the ones who will effect social reform, not our government.