
Sunday, March 16, 2008

Twitter and Plaxo

I've been experimenting with Plaxo, an amazing free online service. In short, Plaxo syncs EVERYTHING I have stored online in one place. I use 4 calendars - outlook for my work computer, outlook for my home laptop, google calendar for my main email address, google calendar for my secondary email address. Plaxo syncs all of these calendars together. Plaxo also syncs your contacts the same way.

I just started looking at twitter - another great way to spam your personality. Twitter is essentially a blog that limits you to 140 characters per post. You have "followers" who are sent a message every time you "tweet." It can be synced with your mobile device so you can let people know what you are up to at all times. I've heard about twitter constantly from tech podcasts and blogs, so I suppose I have to try it. And, yes, twitter syncs up with plaxo quite nicely.

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