
Monday, October 19, 2009

Obama to relax marijuana policy


I'm starting to like this guy (Obama).  Just because something is bad doesn't mean there should be a law punishable by hefty fines and/or jail time associated with that particular action.

If you lie to your parents, you are not fined and thrown in jail.
If you cheat on your significant other, you are not fined and thrown in jail.
If you do not attend church on Sunday, you are not fined and thrown in jail.
If you curse in front of your own children, you are not fined and thrown in jail.
If you don't support your kids' education, you are not fined and throw in jail.

Need I say more.....  There are SOCIAL CONSEQUENCES to doing bad things.

The criminalization of marijuana use and possession is one of the most worthless, expensive, and non-functioning laws that this country has ever seen.  It serves only to keep the incarceration industry in business.

Drug use is a health problem.  We should punish those whose drug use is associated with other crimes that endanger the public just like we do with alcohol.  Alcohol which kills and injures more people as a result of abuse than any other drug.


Anonymous said...

I wonder what percentage of violent crime is drug related.

Now if we would just start trading with Cuba.

Anonymous said...

you are onto something here. Good to see a consistent libertarian viewpoint. Our penal system in this country is extremely expensive, and with the rate of repeat offenders at a high level, it simply isn't working. Relaxing the laws regarding specific narcotics will help to free up some cash, and the subsequent regulation of these products will produce additional revenue.

Now, if we could just manage to not add additional spending measures, but I'm sure that lawmakers are already foaming at the mouth and full of ideas for spending the money.