
Thursday, June 12, 2008

Blogging is hard work

Blogging is difficult to maintain as a hobby.  I've found that it's easy to post when there is absolutely nothing going on and one is bored, but when things get busy, activities such as blogging take a back seat.  I guess this is how a blogger loses his reader base.

I have been busy lately - trips to DC and to Arizona coupled with training the new guy at work make neglecting a blog easy. 

I did find time to buy a plane ticket to Argentina.  It's nice to live in Hillsdale where expenses are low enough to save for big purchases such as these - I almost feel Chinese and definitely not American.  I also found out where I will be working for 2.5 months during my time in Buenos Aires.  It is a banking consulting firm - you can check out their website here -->  I really look forward to this experience.

Speaking of saving, Americans are probably the worst savers in the world.  I really feel this is why I cannot relate to the common man since the common man racks up huge credit card debt, spends countless dollars on items he cannot afford just to maintain a phony status in the community or to feed his addiction to material possessions (or whatever else).  Blame certainly lies in the individual, but when politicians, economists, and presidents worry so much about "consumer spending" it makes me think that these guys are making us feel guilty for saving!  I say that if consumer spending plummets, it's time to celebrate the fiscal responsibility of individual Americans.  The more individuals save, the more banks can lend out to folks who need investment vehicles for business loans, mortgages, college costs, and, if they're feeling frisky, the occasional leveraged buyout (kidding... sort of).  The money is put to use whether the consumer spends it or not, and I think we know which side has the spending problem.


elizabeth said...

This banking firm looks great. Its mission seems to be keeping everyone honest and solvent - your kind of place.

Keep up your blog while you're in Argentina. In English, please.

It's wonderful to know that at least some young people know the value of saving and not spending money they don't have. Good for you!

Anonymous said...

Spot on with the critique of American society in my opinion. Saving is the antithesis of culture of consumption that most Americans "practice" (the root of pragmatism) in their every day lives.

bubbad said...

joe I rely on you for my tennis and economic info! Do not fail me on this! ! Caleb davis !