
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Whole Foods CEO Flips out at FTC

Wouldn't it be nice if the financial guys did the same thing when they were being questioned by congress?  I am filled with joy when I read articles like this - there is no reason people should be afraid of the government.  If anything, we should be on the attack as is the Whole Foods CEO.  All this being said, I still am not shopping there - prices are still way too high.  I'll leave it to those who drank the organic food kool-aid.


**feelin the love** said...

It's nice to see somebody stand up for themselves around here!! Plus, it nice to talk about something other than another crappy bailout possibility.
p.s. it is hella expensive(I still have to go to Kroger sometimes), but you really feel the difference when you're eating organic, natural food.
HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! ****no bailout!!****

**feelin the love** said...

You are totally right. Go Whole Foods!! As for the prices, it is super expensive, but it's worth it to take care of your body; trust me, nobody really wants to know what's in their food. If everybody jumped on board, the prices would go down. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!NO BAILOUT!!
P.S. What is your opinion on this whole automotive mess??