
Monday, January 18, 2010

Interesting article about Obama's performance

Numbers tell a different story than words, though both are necessary.  I've always enjoyed the "by the numbers" articles.  They tell a story that your typical pundits don't.
Here's one that the Left always tried to pull on Bush.  And, of course, now the Right is using this same argument against Obama.  Yes, the stock market is up, but where are the jobs????  We can see this in some of the numbers below.
7,949.09—Dow Jones Industrial Average close on Jan. 20, 2009.
10,609.65—Dow Jones Industrial Average close on Jan. 15, 2010.
13 million—Number of people 16 and older unemployed as of January 2009.
14.7 million—Number of people 16 and older unemployed as of December 2009.
7.7 percent—Unemployment rate January 2009
10.0 percent—Unemployment rate December 2009
The Right's response to the Left when it was criticized?
"The stock market always goes up first, then jobs follow behind it."  This might be true
The Left's response to the Right now?  Has anyone heard anything yet?  If they had any brains about them, they would say the exact same thing that the Bush-lovers did.
The more things change, the more they stay the same, I guess.

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