
Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Starbucks just doesn't get it

Starbucks announced that in return for signing up for their rewards program and/or purchasing a $5 gift card, its customers will have 2 free hours of AT&T wifi. Am I missing something here? I do a ton of traveling for work, and I never go to Starbucks because the internet is not free. If I am in between appointments, I scour the city for a Panera Bread because I know they have free wifi at all their stores where I can catch up on my email. What I can't understand is why doesn't Starbucks do what every other coffee shop does and offer ABSOLUTELY FREE WIFI. This is a major reason that sales type businessmen like me do not go to Starbucks. I really can't fathom why this is such a difficult concept for them to grasp.


Anonymous said...

good point. In my experience in the military, many guys are away from home at various Army schools. Army posts always regulate the internet and charge an arm and a leg for it. Privates who make squat pay it because they have no other option. The result is that those who have the means (and freedom) go to Panera Bread.

Starbucks has the better coffee though (I've been told)

Joe said...

That's a bummer that the army won't put up for internet especially since 100% of the folks are away from home.

And, I cannot stand starbucks coffee.

EMO said...

I was recently in Barnes and Noble hoping to use the free wifi, but to my surprise, it was the same ATT not free wifi. Chick fil a, the damn fast food store has free wifi. I completely agree with you, Joe. These so called cafe's need to get with the program. Go Panera!! I am going to start eating there more often just because.

Anonymous said...

can you describe the difference for me? I am not a coffee drinker. If you were to construct a sweeping metaphor for coffee would you compare starbucks to busch light? or to bud select? Just wondering.

Joe said...

again... like football vs tennis... it is a personal preference that I do not share with most people. Starbucks is, by the book, fresher and higher quality which, along with the branding, justifies the higher price. Personally, I think it tastes burned. If I'm going to drink black coffee, I try to hit some shops with specialty coffees where they have several types to choose from covering different parts of the world. I usually enjoy a good columbian blend.

elizabeth said...

My personal favorite is the Starbucks packet that one finds in the room at the Grand Hotel at Mackinaw Island. Freshly brewed, it's hard to beat. Another good brew is Michigan Cherry flavored coffee II had this morning at the Flint Farmers Market. Wonderful stuff. Plus, the Farmers Market has free wifi.

EMO said...

that's messed up that the farmers market has free wifi, and starbucks isn't wtf.