It seems like I get more comments when I make lists, so I'm going to create another gem of a list. After watching the debate last night and the following punditry, I decided to cast my vote for John McCain. Thus, you can consider Joe
Petrides fully endorsing John McCain for president. I encourage my vast international readership to vote for him, and I hope that this endorsement at least secures me a cabinet position. It certainly is necessary to thank some people for making my decision easier, and it is absolutely necessary to list them below.
- CNN, specifically Anderson Cooper, Soledad O'Brien, and Wolf Blitzer. The post-debate punditry also convinced me to vote McCain.
- ABC News
- CBS News
- Silicon Valley
- Harvard Law School
- Hollywood
- Rolling Stone Magazine
Lists are much better when they reach a nice round number like 10, but 8 is sufficient. Before I explain, I have to admit that my vote is based on emotion rather than reason or logic. I strongly believe that this makes me much more credible as I better represent the average voting American. Reasonable people don't vote since they realize it doesn't matter.
Ok, so here we go...
1. Anderson Cooper, Wolf
Blitzer and
Soledad O'Brien (hot), mask themselves in the disguise of professional journalists who are really out there to find the truth. We all know they aren't, but what bugs me is that it is so obvious to all of us that they are plugging for Obama! They even plugged for him in the primaries which caused Hillary to soften up to Fox News. I have incredible respect for those who can hide their personal leanings, but these guys just don't have that talent.
CNN's studio is filled with huge screens, and the anchors constantly show off cool technology they have such as google maps, and glorified smart boards. It's like their studio's focus is to look sleek and advanced when in reality it is all too much. Ditto for the post-debate punditry. They have this table of pundits (about 20 of them) all with laptops out and Anderson Cooper standing in the center asking questions that make him look journalistic while we are supposed sit in awe at how cutting edge CNN is. Give me a break. And why do they always have to talk so fast? Is this some sort of marketing ploy to always make it look like the world is on the brink? You guys are pathetic.
2. ABC News has always leaned liberal and it bothers me.
3. Ditto for CBS News.
4. Obama is a corrupt scoundrel just like everyone who looks at his past knows. However, he has developed incredible star power within the Silicon Valley elite community. It's trendy to vote for Obama out there and everyone is just going nuts because they think he is some sort of cool, tech savvy guy that is going to green the country and pull us out of Iraq. Of course, the truth doesn't matter. We all know that presidents do not do in office what they promise in their campaigns, so why should we believe that Obama is any different?
5. Who screwed up the financial system? Ivy League elites. Which politicians have the attitude that THEY know how to run your life better than you do? Ivy League elites. Who has run this country for the last 16 years? Ivy League elites. Come on folks, have you ever met an Ivy League grad who was a nice, down to earth regular guy who you never felt held you in contempt even though he/she is far smarter than you could ever dream to be? I know only one - he's a Princeton PhD who teaches philosophy at
Hillsdale College. Still looking for others....
6. See #4.
Obama's "cool factor" turned from a Ron Paul fight the system group to a bunch of Obama robots. I used to like that place.
7. Hollywood is especially annoying. Obama is now so "cool" that everyone out there was fighting to see who could have the best attended Obama party. Do you all remember how in high school there were the "cool kids," but then there also was that group of kids whose parents were extremely wealthy? These kids somehow floated above everyone else and had that aura about them that they were above everything? They always had the parent-sponsored mansion parties with alcohol and the occasional recreational pharmaceutical. This group wanted everyone else to know that it went on but kept it enough under wraps so that you knew they were cool and did cool stuff, but you didn't know enough to be in the group. It helped them maintain a feeling of superiority.
THAT's what these guys are, and Obama is an excuse for them to throw more parties like that.
8. I just got back from
Buenos Aires where magazine kiosks are literally everywhere. Rolling Stone put Obama on the cover with this
elitist pose. I had to look at it every damn day.
John McCain will not make a very good President, but he DID give a personal F-U to the commies out in Vietnam even as they tortured him. Anyone willing to do that for his or her country surely loves this place, even if he has bad policies.